List of 200 Latin root words commonly used in the English language, along with their meanings:

  1. A- / An-: Not, without (e.g., amoral, atheist)
  2. Ab- / Abs-: Away from, off (e.g., absent, abduct)
  3. Ad-: To, toward (e.g., adhere, adjust)
  4. Ambi-: Both (e.g., ambidextrous, ambiguous)
  5. Amo- / Amor-: Love (e.g., amiable, amorous)
  6. Ante-: Before (e.g., antecedent, antebellum)
  7. Aqua-: Water (e.g., aquatic, aquarium)
  8. Aud- / Aus-: Hear, listen (e.g., audible, audience)
  9. Bene-: Good, well (e.g., benefit, benevolent)
  10. Bi-: Two, double (e.g., bicycle, bifocal)
  11. Circum-: Around (e.g., circumvent, circumference)
  12. Con- / Co- / Col- / Cor-: Together, with (e.g., connect, collaborate)
  13. Cred-: Believe (e.g., credible, credence)
  14. De-: Down, away (e.g., descend, depart)
  15. Dict-: Say, speak (e.g., dictate, contradict)
  16. Dis-: Apart, not (e.g., disagree, dishonest)
  17. Duo-: Two (e.g., duet, duplicate)
  18. Equi-: Equal, same (e.g., equidistant, equilateral)
  19. Ex-: Out, away (e.g., exit, exclude)
  20. Fac- / Fic- / Fect-: Make, do (e.g., facilitate, factory)
  21. Fin-: End, boundary (e.g., finish, define)
  22. Fort-: Strong (e.g., fortify, fortress)
  23. Frater-: Brother (e.g., fraternity, fraternal)
  24. Gen-: Birth, origin (e.g., generation, genetics)
  25. Grav-: Heavy, serious (e.g., gravity, grave)
  26. Homo-: Same, alike (e.g., homogenous, homonym)
  27. In- / Il- / Im- / Ir-: Not, without (e.g., incorrect, illegal)
  28. Inter-: Between, among (e.g., interact, international)
  29. Intra-: Within, inside (e.g., intramural, intravenous)
  30. Intro-: Into, inside (e.g., introduce, introspection)
  31. Jus- / Jur-: Law, right (e.g., justice, jurisdiction)
  32. Liber-: Free (e.g., liberty, liberate)
  33. Loc- / Log-: Place, speech, study (e.g., location, dialogue, logic)
  34. Magn-: Great, large (e.g., magnify, magnificent)
  35. Mal-: Bad, evil (e.g., malice, malfunction)
  36. Medi-: Middle (e.g., medium, medieval)
  37. Mis-: Bad, wrong (e.g., mislead, mistake)
  38. Multi-: Many, much (e.g., multiple, multiply)
  39. Non-: Not (e.g., nonfiction, nonsense)
  40. Nov-: New (e.g., novel, innovate)
  41. Omni-: All, every (e.g., omniscient, omnipotent)
  42. Pac-: Peace (e.g., pacify, pacifist)
  43. Pan-: All, entire (e.g., panorama, pandemic)
  44. Per-: Through, completely (e.g., perceive, perfect)
  45. Plur-: More, several (e.g., plural, plurality)
  46. Port-: Carry (e.g., portable, transport)
  47. Post-: After, behind (e.g., postgraduate, postmortem)
  48. Pre-: Before, in front of (e.g., prefix, prehistoric)
  49. Pro-: For, forward (e.g., promote, proactive)
  50. Quadri-: Four (e.g., quadrilateral, quadruplet)
  51. Re-: Again, back (e.g., return, recover)
  52. Retro-: Backward (e.g., retrospective, retrograde)
  53. Scrib- / Script-: Write (e.g., scribe, script)
  54. Sem-: Half (e.g., semiannual, semicircle)
  55. Sen-: Old (e.g., senior, senator)
  56. Sol-: Alone, lonely (e.g., solitude, solitary)
  57. Spec- / Spect-: Look, see (e.g., inspect, spectacles)
  58. Sub- / Sus-: Under, below (e.g., submerge, suspect)
  59. Super- / Supra-: Above, beyond (e.g., superior, supersonic)
  60. Tele-: Far, distant (e.g., telephone, telepathy)
  61. Tempor-: Time (e.g., temporary, contemporary)
  62. Trans-: Across, beyond (e.g., transport, transform)
  63. Un-: Not, opposite of (e.g., unhappy, unlikely)
  64. Uni-: One (e.g., unify, unique)
  65. Ver-: True (e.g., verify, veracity)
  66. Via-: Way, road (e.g., via, deviate)
  67. Vid- / Vis-: See (e.g., video, vision)
  68. Viv- / Vit-: Life, alive (e.g., revive, vital)
  69. Voc-: Call, voice (e.g., vocal, vocabulary)
  70. Vol-: Will, wish (e.g., volunteer, voluntary)
  71. Ann- / Enn-: Year (e.g., annual, anniversary)
  72. Duc- / Duct-: Lead, guide (e.g., educate, conductor)
  73. Equ-: Equal, even (e.g., equation, equanimity)
  74. Fer-: Carry, bear (e.g., transfer, infer)
  75. Fid-: Faith, trust (e.g., confident, fidelity)
  76. Flu- / Flux-: Flow (e.g., fluid, influence)
  77. Fract- / Frag-: Break, shatter (e.g., fracture, fragment)
  78. Grat-: Pleasing, thankful (e.g., grateful, gratitude)
  79. Greg-: Group, flock (e.g., congregation, segregate)
  80. Hosp-: Host, guest (e.g., hospitality, hospital)
  81. Leg- / Lig-: Law, read, choose (e.g., legal, intelligent)
  82. Liber-: Book (e.g., library, librarian)
  83. Locu- / Loqu-: Speak, talk (e.g., eloquent, loquacious)
  84. Luc- / Lum-: Light (e.g., illuminate, luminary)
  85. Magn-: Great, large (e.g., magnify, magnificent)
  86. Mater-: Mother (e.g., maternal, maternity)
  87. Medi-: Middle (e.g., medium, medieval)
  88. Migr-: Move (e.g., migrate, immigration)
  89. Mort-: Death (e.g., mortal, mortality)
  90. Nomin-: Name (e.g., nominate, nomination)
  91. Nov-: New (e.g., novelty, renovate)
  92. Pac-: Peace (e.g., pacify, pacifist)
  93. Ped-: Foot (e.g., pedestrian, pedal)
  94. Pend-: Hang, weigh (e.g., suspend, pendulum)
  95. Plic- / Plicit-: Fold, bend (e.g., duplicate, implicit)
  96. Pugn-: Fight, war (e.g., pugnacious, repugnant)
  97. Reg-: Rule, king (e.g., regulate, regal)
  98. Scrib- / Script-: Write (e.g., scribe, manuscript)
  99. Sent- / Sens-: Feel, think (e.g., sentiment, sensitive)
  100. Serv-: Serve, save (e.g., servant, preserve)
  101. Sol-: Alone, lonely (e.g., solitary, solitaire)
  102. Spec- / Spect-: Look, see (e.g., inspect, spectacles)
  103. Tempor-: Time (e.g., temporary, temporal)
  104. Tend- / Tent-: Stretch, aim (e.g., extend, attentive)
  105. Tort-: Twist, bend (e.g., distort, torture)
  106. Tract-: Pull, drag (e.g., attract, tractor)
  107. Val-: Strength, worth (e.g., valid, evaluate)
  108. Vinc- / Vict-: Conquer (e.g., convince, victory)
  109. Viv- / Vit-: Life, alive (e.g., vivid, vitality)
  110. Voc- / Vok-: Call, voice (e.g., vocal, revoke)
  111. Acu-: Sharp, needle (e.g., acute, acupuncture)
  112. Alt-: High, deep (e.g., altitude, alter)
  113. Anim-: Life, soul (e.g., animal, animate)
  114. Capit- / Capt-: Head (e.g., capital, captain)
  115. Ced- / Cess-: Yield, go (e.g., precede, success)
  116. Cern- / Cert-: Separate, decide (e.g., discern, certain)
  117. Civ-: Citizen (e.g., civilization, civil)
  118. Cord- / Card-: Heart (e.g., cordial, cardiac)
  119. Cur- / Curr-: Run (e.g., current, curriculum)
  120. Dol-: Pain (e.g., condolence, dolorous)
  121. Duc- / Duct-: Lead, guide (e.g., conduct, induction)
  122. Err-: Wander, stray (e.g., error, erratic)
  123. Fac- / Fact-: Make, do (e.g., factory, facilitate)
  124. Fed- / Fid-: Trust, faith (e.g., federal, fidelity)
  125. Ferr-: Iron (e.g., ferrous, ferry)
  126. Greg-: Group, flock (e.g., aggregate, gregarious)
  127. Hydr-: Water (e.g., hydrate, hydroponics)
  128. Ign-: Fire (e.g., ignite, ignition)
  129. In- / Il- / Im- / Ir-: Not, without (e.g., incapable, illegal)
  130. Junct-: Join (e.g., junction, conjunction)
  131. Later-: Side (e.g., lateral, bilateral)
  132. Lib-: Free (e.g., liberty, liberate)
  133. Lingua-: Language, tongue (e.g., linguistics, bilingual)
  134. Loc- / Log-: Place, speech, study (e.g., location, logic)
  135. Mater- / Matr-: Mother (e.g., maternal, matriarch)
  136. Med-: Middle (e.g., medieval, Mediterranean)
  137. Mor- / Mort-: Death (e.g., mortal, immortal)
  138. Mut-: Change (e.g., mutate, immutable)
  139. Opt-: Eye, vision (e.g., optic, optician)
  140. Pend- / Pens-: Hang, weigh (e.g., pendulum, suspense)
  141. Pet- / Petit-: Seek, strive (e.g., petition, compete)
  142. Plac-: Please (e.g., placebo, placate)
  143. Pugn-: Fight (e.g., pugnacious, repugnant)
  144. Rid- / Ris-: Laugh (e.g., ridiculous, derision)
  145. Sacr- / Sanct-: Holy (e.g., sacred, sanctify)
  146. Sen- / Sens-: Feel (e.g., sensory, sensitive)
  147. Solv- / Solut-: Loosen, solve (e.g., dissolve, solution)
  148. Spir-: Breathe, spirit (e.g., inspire, conspire)
  149. Spond- / Spons-: Promise, answer for (e.g., sponsor, respond)
  150. String- / Strict-: Bind, draw tight (e.g., restrict, constrict)
  151. Tacit-: Silent (e.g., taciturn, tacit)
  152. Tempor-: Time (e.g., temporary, temporal)
  153. Ten- / Tin- / Tain-: Hold (e.g., tenacious, retain)
  154. Tract-: Pull, draw (e.g., attract, traction)
  155. Val-: Strength, worth (e.g., valuable, evaluate)
  156. Ven- / Vent-: Come (e.g., convene, adventure)
  157. Verb-: Word (e.g., verbose, proverb)
  158. Vid- / Vis-: See (e.g., video, visible)
  159. Voc- / Vok-: Call, voice (e.g., vocalize, invocation)
  160. Volv- / Volu-: Roll, turn (e.g., involve, evolution)
  161. Ac-: Sharp (e.g., acute, acid)
  162. Alg-: Pain (e.g., neuralgia, analgesic)
  163. Anim-: Life, spirit (e.g., animate, animal)
  164. Cap- / Capt-: Take, seize (e.g., capture, captivate)
  165. Cit-: Call, summon (e.g., cite, recite)
  166. Cred-: Believe, trust (e.g., credible, credence)
  167. Dic- / Dict-: Say, speak (e.g., dictate, verdict)
  168. Duc- / Duct-: Lead (e.g., educate, conduct)
  169. Fac- / Fact-: Make, do (e.g., factory, artifact)
  170. Fer-: Carry, bear (e.g., transfer, infer)
  171. Fid-: Trust, faith (e.g., confident, fidelity)
  172. Frang- / Fract-: Break (e.g., fracture, fraction)
  173. Grat-: Pleasing, thankful (e.g., grateful, gratify)
  174. Jur-: Law (e.g., jurisdiction, jury)
  175. Leg-: Law, read (e.g., legal, legislature)
  176. Liber-: Free (e.g., liberty, liberate)
  177. Loc- / Log-: Place, study (e.g., location, logical)
  178. Luc-: Light (e.g., lucid, illuminate)
  179. Mater-: Mother (e.g., maternal, maternity)
  180. Mort-: Death (e.g., mortal, mortality)
  181. Mov- / Mot-: Move (e.g., movement, motivate)
  182. Noc- / Nox-: Harm (e.g., innocent, noxious)
  183. Nov-: New (e.g., novelty, renovate)
  184. Omni-: All, every (e.g., omniscient, omnipotent)
  185. Pat- / Pass-: Suffer, feel (e.g., patient, compassion)
  186. Port-: Carry (e.g., portable, transport)
  187. Scrib- / Script-: Write (e.g., scribe, script)
  188. Sens- / Sent-: Feel, think (e.g., sensation, sentiment)
  189. Spec- / Spect-: See (e.g., inspect, spectacles)
  190. Spir-: Breathe, spirit (e.g., inspire, conspire)
  191. Tempor-: Time (e.g., temporary, temporal)
  192. Ten- / Tin- / Tain-: Hold (e.g., tenacious, retain)
  193. Terr-: Earth, land (e.g., terrain, territory)
  194. Tort-: Twist (e.g., distort, torture)
  195. Tract-: Pull, draw (e.g., attract, traction)
  196. Val-: Strength, worth (e.g., valid, evaluate)
  197. Ven- / Vent-: Come (e.g., convene, adventure)
  198. Ver-: True (e.g., verify, veracity)
  199. Vict- / Vinc-: Conquer (e.g., victory, convince)
  200. Viv- / Vit-: Life, alive (e.g., revive, vitality)

These Latin root words serve as the foundation of many English words and understanding them can help you decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words.